5 Common myths about dermal fillers

5 Common myths about dermal fillers
It's not hard to see that there's an enormous appeal to non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as dermal fillers. There have been huge advances in the quality and effectiveness of fillers, but there are unfortunately still plenty of misconceptions about them as well. We take a look at five common myths and set the record straight!




1. Dermal Fillers freeze your face.

We’re still surprised at the number of people who mistakenly believe that fillers will ‘freeze’ your face. The belief stems from the notion that anti-wrinkle injections and fillers are the same things (wrong) and that anti-wrinkle injections always result in a frozen expression (wrong again). Dermal fillers are created from a natural substance that gently ‘fills out’ the underlying layers of the skin. The filler is metabolised naturally by the body and is designed to plump and add volume filling lines and wrinkles and smoothing the skin in a very natural-looking way.

2. Dermal Fillers and Anti-Wrinkle injections are the same.

As above, many people still lump non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections and fillers into the same pot. While they do appear similar at first glance, they are in fact quite different. While fillers work to ‘plump’ the underlying levels of the skin, anti-wrinkle injections involve the use of a natural protein that relaxes the muscles that cause lines and wrinkles. Not only are they different procedures, but there are variations of each treatment designed to target different issues and different facial areas.


3. Dermal Fillers cost a fortune!

Happily, this is another misconception. Fillers don’t need to cost a fortune, and they can be very affordable depending on the number of injections you have, the number of areas targeted, and the frequency of treatments. The exact cost is best determined after an initial consultation to see just what you would like and what would be best for your skin. Remember that some fillers may last up to two years, which many people feel is great value for money.

4. All fillers are the same

Fillers are made from resorbable hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in the body. There are several brands available, each slightly different. Alarmingly, there are also imitations. Fillers should be approved by the Australian Government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration. Imitation fillers may not only be ineffective, but they may also cause unwanted side effects.

5. Fillers hurt-a lot!

And this is one we’re very happy to dispel. Realistically, yes, there is likely to be some discomfort as you are having needles injected into the skin. But these needles are very fine, and the procedure tends to take only a few minutes. Practitioners may also use a topical numbing agent on the area first. If you are phobic about needles, let your doctor know so that they can help you decide on a course of treatment that gives the best results with minimal discomfort. Fillers are changing the way people think about cosmetic procedures.